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Food Friday: Thank you, Clarence

By Jean Sanders

Food Friday: Thank you, Clarence

Tomorrow is the winter solstice and shortest day of the year. I hope you are all bundled up and ready for the holidays. We left Luke the wonder dog home with another Kong-ful of peanut butter as we took the last packages off to the post office on Wednesday, mailing our love tokens of books, and socks, and Christmas cookies. We stood in the conga line of similarly festive folks, patiently waiting, and smiling, watching the clock tick. It's almost time to settle in for a long winter's retreat to the living room. We have books, and movies, and popcorn, and some of the remaining homemade Christmas cookies. There is a turkey thawing in the fridge, potatoes in the larder, and the ingredients for a family fave of flourless chocolate cake. Cue the snow, please.

I like to have a little pot of something boiling away on the stovetop during the Christmas holidays. It fills the house with cozy, childhood aromas. Wafting clouds of orange, cloves, and cinnamon linger in corners, reminding me of homey scenes from Little Women, or the Little House books. Remember the year that Laura and Mary found oranges in their stockings? The snow was deep out there in the vast, lonely Dakota Territory, but Santa still located the deserving Ingalls girls. What a wonderful Christmas that was.

Christmas movies and old television specials easily toy with our vulnerable, sentimental hearts. There are Christmas commercials that make me cry. All these holiday feelings are easily triggered by singing about the Who Hash and the rare Who roast beast. Listen to that squeaking as the Grinch easily separates little Whos from their candy canes. What an outrageous, Grinchy thing to do!

I love The Bishop's Wife, with its chaste romance and its debonair angel-in-business-suit. No Christmas tree since has been covered by that much tinsel, and so quickly. Oh, for Dudley to keep my glass full with warming, inspiring - though never inebriating - sherry. I'd love to have luncheon with Dudley and Julia at Michel's, without the paprika.

Clarence, the endearingly clumsy angel in It's a Wonderful Life, is more my speed. I, too, would stumble into Nick's rough Pottersville joint and attempt to order something inappropriately fey, like hot mulled wine. And could I have some tasty nibbles, too, please?

In honor of Clarence, and the whole Christmas season, the Spy Test Kitchen researched hot, mulled wine. And considering we are about to spend lots of time on the sofa, it's nice to have choices. Let's start simmering with the queen, Ina Garten: Hot Mulled Wine

Martha has a white wine version: and a red wine version - which she says is, "like Christmas in a glass." I wonder what Snoop thinks? As much as I like a cheap white wine, I think mulled wine calls for a nice red. It's winter, and Christmas, and it's cold outside. Give me something that is full-bodied and heart-warming.

Like this: Erin Clark's Mulled Wine

Even Reddit has an opinion about the best wines to use for mulled wine: Reddit Mulled Wine

And the young folk on TikTok have a genius approach - to use a slow cooker! Finally, we can pull ours out of the pantry and use it for something other than beef stew or chili! Tiktok slow cooker recipe

Our stockings are draped on the back of the desk chair in hopes that St. Nick finds them there, despite us not having a fireplace. Oranges are welcome, but I would like some new mechanical pencils, too. Cheers!

"He took the Who's feast, he took the Who pudding, he took the roast beast. He cleaned out that ice box as quick as a flash. Why, the Grinch even took their last can of Who hash."

-- Dr. Seuss

Jean Dixon Sanders has been a painter and graphic designer for the past thirty years. A graduate of Washington College, where she majored in fine art, Jean started her work in design with the Literary House lecture program. The illustrations she contributes to the Spies are done with watercolor, colored pencil and ink.

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