Dexter: Original Sin, the prequel drama to the long-running Dexter, debuted as the most-streamed series premiere on Showtime in the cable net's history. According to Paramount Global, more than 2.1 million cross-platform viewers streamed Dexter: Original Sin during the first three days.
Prior to Dexter: Original Sin, Showtime's most-streamed premiere was held by the second season debut of thriller Yellowjackets in 2023.
Debuting on Paramount+ on December 13 and on Showtime on December 15, Dexter: Original Sin, set in Miami in 1991, follows a young Dexter (Patrick Gibson) as he transitions from student to avenging serial killer. Dexter, the parent series starring Michael C. Hall, ran for eight seasons (from 2006 ton 2013). Hall narrates Dexter: Original Sin as the inner voice of the young serial killer in training.
Also featured in the prequel are Christian Slater, Molly Brown, James Martinez, Christina Milian, Alex Shimizu, Reno Wilson, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Patrick Dempsey.