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North Dakota agriculture industry celebrates Grand Farm with state investors

North Dakota agriculture industry celebrates Grand Farm with state investors

BISMARCK -- Partners in an initiative to further the agriculture technology industry met Wednesday, Sept. 18, at the North Dakota state Capitol in Bismarck to celebrate investments made by the state.

Grand Farm received a $10 million grant from the North Dakota Legislature and Department of Commerce in 2022. The funds are meant to improve farming practices with field technology, namely automation.

North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said, "Agriculture is a data-driven industry," citing the many factors farmers consider daily to optimize production -- from soil conditions to pests.

"That's why I believe Grand Farm has really stepped up and proven themselves as creating great opportunities for research and development," Goehring said.

The initiative has built a 25,000-square-foot Innovation Campus on 590 acres in Casselton. Its partners use data to test, improve and implement technologies developed at the site.

The campus also facilitates educational opportunities for stakeholders interested in deploying new methods, such as drone imagery and improved field and climate monitoring sensors.

According to Greg Tehven, CEO and co-founder of Emerging Prairie, a nonprofit that "powers" Grand Farm, investment funding has been fully spent on the project's first phase.

Senate Majority Leader David Hogue, R-Minot, said the work being done by Grand Farm also addresses North Dakota's workforce deficit. There are over 30,000 jobs statewide that can't be filled, Hogue said.

"From a legislative perspective, we're going to support the advancement of automation technology wherever we find it because we see that as part of the workforce development solution," he said.

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