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Stop Using the Word Gender - LewRockwell

Stop Using the Word Gender - LewRockwell

Historically the words 'gender' and 'sex' had the same meaning and were interchangeable. The term gender developed in the 1400s and was synonymous with sex (the noun not the verb). This changed in the 20 century.

Somewhere in the mid 20 century, as early as the 1940s, the word gender began to take on a different meaning. This process continued in the 50s and 60s with some in the psychological community on through the 70s with the feminist movement. Gender became associated with masculine and feminine roles i.e. gender roles. This is where things began to get murky. Somewhere in the past 30 years the word gender became more mainstream.

What also occurred is that the word gender became associated with gender identity rather than gender role. It was a slippery slope that has led to the sexual mutilation of little boys and girls. This state sponsored mutilation is driven by academia and government controlled media.

Reclaiming the language is important here. When we speak of gender identity or gender reassignment, we are using language that has an indirect hypnotic command that your sex is a choice. This is why the term gender increasingly is used to define one's sex. It is because the goal is to reinforce that your sex is a choice. This is not true. You are born either male or female.

When politicians have difficulty describing what a woman is, they need to be driven out of office. That shows their allegiance is nefarious in nature.

Discontinuing the use of the word gender may not stop the madness. Still, it is an important first step to reclaim the language. The language used often creates the framework of discussion and debate by including presumptions and assumptions that are indirect in nature. This is why political correctness always seeks to control the terminology. The side that frames the debate wins because they create the overall context of the discussion.

Look at the language used to describe these horrific surgeries. It went from 'sex change' operation to 'gender reassignment' surgery to the broader term 'transitioning'. This is a deliberate manipulation to induce the mindset that your sex is not fixed at birth. Changing your sex to reflect your 'gender' identity is sexual mutilation to reinforce a delusion.

Delusion is often used in a derogatory sense when we say someone is delusional because we are in disagreement. Here it is meant literally. Delusion = a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact. There is a belief that is diametrically opposed to physical reality. Biological sex is determined at conception let alone birth. If denying this basic biological reality is not considered a delusion, then nothing within the mental health field can be considered a delusion.

Rather than treat the underlying condition and emotional distress, a decision to cash in on these surgeries was made. To a lesser degree we see this with cosmetic surgery. As people age, they start to look plastic as they seem to get addicted to the surgeries. This also occurs with Botox and collagen treatments when done in excess. To some degree we can argue that if these procedures help someone feel better about themselves, then they are beneficial. However, there is often a line that is crossed when the recipient begins to look for worse from these procedures.

This is not the case at all with sex change operations. As I pointed out previously, according to a landmark study in 2011, after a sex change operation, when matched for birth sex and age, the suicide rate is 27 times higher. While it is virtually impossible to determine the suicide rate before surgery, it is safe to say that irreversible sex change operations, mutilations, and hormone replacement treatments, cause harm. These irreversible surgeries do not treat the underlying issue and almost certainly increase the suicide rate significantly.

Ten years ago, less than .1% of the population was transgendered. If anything has changed, then it is due purely to environmental factors. Meaning, massive mass media and academic brain washing has had an effect. It is worth noting that 80% cases of children and adolescence struggling with sexual identity disorders or sexual dysphoria resolve on their own over time.

Why then the push for these sex change operations and sex crimes against children, and trying to normalize sexual identity disorders as something to be desired?

This is a complex issue and not easily treated. Instead of having compassion for individuals struggling with sexual identity disorders or sexual dysphoria, individuals struggling with this issue are being exploited for cash and to support a twisted ideology.

There is a political push rooted in Marxist ideology that seeks to deconstruct the family, societal norms, and even biological norms, in a twisted hatred of capitalism and patriarchal societies. This hatred doesn't stop there, it has become a genuine hatred of humanity. This anti human movement sees humans as a problem rather than as having intrinsic value and worth.

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