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Emotionally Depleted from Unfolding Historical Events? This Mineral Is A Must * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

Emotionally Depleted from Unfolding Historical Events? This Mineral Is A Must * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah


If you missed Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan's podcast, allow me to bring you up to speed.

Because it was FANTASTIC!

No offense to Joe Rogan, but who would have expected an MMA fighter, actor and comedian would be doing CIRCLES around the so-called Mainstream Media and showing them what REAL journalism looks like.

It's incredible.

Joe Rogan conducts a better interview than anyone on any of the MSM channels, and it's not even close.

This is what an unfiltered and unscripted interview looks like.

You can be forgiven for not recognizing it because other than Rogan there is almost no one doing this anymore.

Now watch as he explains how the government killed HCQ and ivermectin:

Dr. Malone even took time to praise Dr. Zelenko and his ZStack Zelenko Protocol.

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And if you're looking for Ivermectin, check this out....it might just blow your mind:

Ok, one quick confession: I didn't read all the medical journals....I had my buddy ChatGPT assist me to read 200 MILLION medical journals and scholarly articles.

But the results most definitely may stun you!

I've covered this topic before but it continues to fascinate me so I'm covering it again and going WAY deeper!

Can Ivermectin treat, stop, reverse or even CURE cancer?

**At the end of this article, I'll show you where you can GET Ivermectin for yourself**

Nothing in this article has been evaluated or approved by the FDA -- but let's be honest, that probably just means you should pay EXTRA attention to it, right?

When I first saw them come out so strong against Ivermectin, I knew it had to be pretty powerful and pretty good for humans in general!

I've never seen such an aggressive pushback by BigPharma, so I figured it probably did more than just treat COVID19.

Then I started seeing reports that it could treat cancer.

And I'm not just talking about posts on Twitter or TikTok....I'm talking about peer-reviewed medical journals!

I'll post my original report farther below, but first I want to show you what I found on ChatGPT.

I installed a special plugin that connects the OpenAI to a database of 200 million scholarly and medical journals and then I asked it to give me all peer reviewed medical journals that suggest Ivermectin can be effective in treating cancer.

I think you'll find this fascinating -- and for those of you who want the nitty gritty details, each article is linked so you can go read the full thing for yourself.

From ChatGPT:

Here are some scholarly articles focusing on the use of Ivermectin in treating cancer, organized by their publication date (newest first):

I could have kept going but I cut it off after 20 results.

I also asked it to sort the results by date with newest first, and we ended with 1/1/2020, which means these 20 articles all came out within the last 3 years.

Now here's my original report which gives you a ton more information:

Let's get something out of the way right up front in this article....

Nothing in this article has been evaluated or approved by the FDA -- but let's be honest, that probably just means you should pay EXTRA attention to it, right?

And right now I'm seeing a ton of people talking about Ivermectin as a possible treatment for cancer.

Let me give a SECOND disclaimer: do NOT read this article and stop taking cancer treatments or stop doing what your doctor tells you to do.

Listen to you doctor!

But....Ivermectin has been called a "Wonder Drug" (more on that in a minute) and NINE new scientific, peer-reviewed studies are showing it may be effective in treating or curing cancer....AND it's safer that Aspirin!

So if it were me, and I can only tell you what I would do, but if it were me or one of my family members, we'd listen to our doctor but I think I'd also be taking a high dose of Ivermectin on the side.

Read this for more on how incredibly SAFE Ivermectin is:

Now let's dig in and I'll show you everything I'm seeing about Ivermectin and Cancer...

We start on Twitter but we will end with peer-reviewed, scientific studies.

Once again, I can only talk about what I would do, but I'm considering going on a high dose Ivermectin treatment once per year as preventative medicine:

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