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8 families receive keys to new homes at Habitat for Humanity dedication in Gypsum

8 families receive keys to new homes at Habitat for Humanity dedication in Gypsum

Community picnic in Stratton Flats neighborhood brings neighbors, community partners together

It was a rainy cold day one year ago when Maria "Lula" tearfully explained how a home would change everything for her family. As she got the keys to her new home at Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley's home dedication on Thursday, Sept. 12, in the Stratton Flats neighborhood in Gypsum, she shared, "It has been the 12 most exciting months of my life."

"We got into building, planting, painting, measuring five times and cutting once, or twice," she added. "Home maintenance classes and HOA orientations ... the day to move finally got here. We did it all by the hand of the amazing Habitat team. We would not be standing here today without you, Habitat people. Some of us wouldn't know what housing would look like next year or next month if it wasn't for all of you. Thanks to you, these kids, these families can look forward to not just celebrations or gatherings, but to a sense of belonging in our community, job security, financial stability and emotional strength."

When all the pieces of a community work together -- businesses, nonprofits, volunteer and new homeowners -- families thrive. That message was loud and clear at Thursday's home dedication when eight families received the keys to their homes.

One of Habitat's longtime partners is The Gallegos Corporation. Dan White, Gallegos' chief financial officer, handed over the ceremonial key, saying, "We're only one piece is this puzzle." Gypsum Mayor Steve Carver concurred, sharing the town of Gypsum is proud to be a partner with Habitat and will continue to be one for the future.

Vail Resorts has been helping build Habitat homes -- through grants, donations, sponsorship and volunteerism -- for more than a decade. This community spirit was felt throughout the week as more than a hundred employees from Vail and Beaver Creek Mountains gave their time and skills to the job site.

"Our partnership with Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley is incredibly important. The Annual Gary Shimanowitz Memorial Build Week is about more than just construction, it's about coming together as a community to build hope and opportunity," said Bobby Murphy, CEO of Beaver Creek Mountain. "Seeing the camaraderie and dedication from our Beaver Creek and Vail Mountain teams during this week is inspiring, and I'm proud to be part of this effort to create stable, affordable homes right here in our community."

There was a community picnic after the home dedication where kids of all ages biked, walked, danced down the street while mothers, fathers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles sat on front porches talking and laughing. As these new neighbors and friends enjoyed the waning daylight, it was clear that community is built one home at a time.

Applications for Habitat Vail Valley homes are open until Monday, Sept. 30. If you, or someone you know, is struggling to find permanent affordable housing, please visit HabitatVailValley.org or email [email protected].

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