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Blue Ridge Parkway image wins September photo club competition

Blue Ridge Parkway image wins September photo club competition

Tracy Burlingame of Riner won the Radford Photo Club silhouette theme photo contest for September with a picture of her nephew and his girlfriend on the Blue Ridge Parkway at The Saddle lookout, according to a news release from the club.

"Great timing for the sunset!" said Burlingame.

Rebecca Harris of Radford won the open category. "After taking a wrong turn in Riner, Va., I found a beautiful old abandoned church," she said. "Lucky to have my Canon sx530 with me."

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The Radford Photo Club's next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Radford Public Library. The guest speaker will be Dan Henderson, who will demonstrate the photographic process of cyanotype. The theme for October will be landscape.

Henderson is a professional artist and photographer of the Market Gallery in Roanoke.

The first 20 participants will receive a "take home" opportunity to create their own masterpiece, and bring their work to the club meeting for competition in November.

An artist statement and examples of Henderson's work are on the Radford Photo Club Facebook page.

The photo club is made up of professional and amateur photographers from throughout the New River Valley. Meetings, events, and outings are open to the public. If you have questions about the club, email Joyce Crowder at [email protected], Michele Borgarelli at [email protected], or Tracy Burlingame at [email protected].

- The Roanoke Times

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