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WHO Cox's Bazar: Rohingya emergency crisis - Situation Report: December 2024 - Bangladesh

WHO Cox's Bazar: Rohingya emergency crisis - Situation Report: December 2024 - Bangladesh

The WHO-led Health Sector held regular monthly coordination meetings in December 2024 at multiple levels: Cox's Bazar (1), Upazila (2), and Camps (33). During these meetings, health partners received updates on the general situation analysis, the Joint Response Plan (JRP) 2025, epidemiology and disease surveillance (e.g., dengue, cholera), routine Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) & Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD) surveillance, sexual and reproductive health, community health, emergency preparedness and response, and mental health activities.

To enhance coordination capacity and support operational coordination, the Health Sector conducted a review and feedback meeting with camp health focal points at the district level, providing strategic and technical guidance for camp-level health sector coordination. These meetings align with the JRP health sector's Strategic Objectives (SO) 1, 2, and 3. Further, several TWG meetings were held under the health sector's umbrella, including MHPSS, RCCE, SRH, EPI, and CHW-focused groups.

The health sector also coordinated with partners to address gaps in field coordination activities. Through these efforts, WHO maintained its leadership role in the Health Sector by actively coordinating the health response and disseminating necessary information to Health Sector partners in the Rohingya Camps in Cox's Bazar.

The WHO and the Health Sector Information Management Team have updated all their regular information management products for December 2024. The live interactive dashboards (4W, HeRAMS, training calendar, etc.) and other published products can be accessed at: https://rohingyaresponse.org/sectors/coxsbazar/health/

To enhance the knowledge of Community Health Worker (CHW) supervisors on preventing and responding to sexual misconduct and other abusive behaviours, the WHO Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Unit, in collaboration with Health Sector Coordination, organised a series of two-day workshops from December 1-9, 2024, in Cox's Bazar. The 93 CHW supervisors were divided into three batches, with each batch attending on different dates. The workshops aimed to support CHWs in safeguarding beneficiaries in the Rohingya refugee camps.

To reinforce accountability in preventing misconduct and responding to abusive behaviours, and to reflect on the impact of our actions on others, a full-day Respectful Workplace Day was held for all Dhaka WCO and WSO staff. Organised with the Human Resource and Staff Association Committee and supported by WCO leadership, the event aimed to renew commitment to a safe working environment, foster a positive mindset, clarify working culture, and reinforce zero tolerance for sexual misconduct and abusive conduct. To ensure that midwives, doctors, and nurses retain and apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations, a follow-up training on Clinical Management of Rape and Intimate Partner Violence (CMR-IPV) was held from December 17 to 19. This training refreshed their expertise, introduced new techniques, and provided a platform for questions. CMR-IPV courses guide healthcare providers in caring for survivors of rape and intimate partner violence, particularly in emergency and vulnerable settings. The training saw the participation of 44 individuals, reinforcing their ability to support survivors effectively.

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