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Hints from Heloise: Keeping food cold on a hot day, having a 'leftovers night' and more

Hints from Heloise: Keeping food cold on a hot day, having a 'leftovers night' and more

Dear Heloise: I was recently planning a rather large family picnic. Keeping food cold on a warm day is always a challenge. I had exhausted most of my large dishes when I had an out-of-the-box idea! I was using my chafing dishes to keep the hot food warm, but why not the cold food? I popped the water tray filled with water into my freezer and had the perfect ice bed for my pasta salad! -- Joan B, Warren, Ohio


Dear Heloise: When buying a birthday present for a friend, I buy two, and I save the second one for Christmas. When the holidays come up, I usually have a lot of my shopping done. -- Linda Read, via email

Linda, I often find a great sale or a bargain and will buy two or three items as future gifts for more than one person. It's saved me time and money, and it's also made my life easier. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: I read your column to in the Ventura County Star, and I was shocked that the reader from Pennsylvania doesn't try to recycle the plastic lids instead of throwing them into the garbage. I hope that the other residents in Pennsylvania aren't as unaware of all the problems that plastics are causing for our planet. Killing ocean animals is just the tip of the iceberg!

Also, any loops that are present in a recyclable item must be cut to keep animals from getting hurt by sticking their head through them.

Thank you for your column. It is always appreciated. -- Jim S., Oak Park, CA.


Dear Heloise: My sister-in-law claims that lead leaches out of lead crystal wine glasses and bowls. This has me worried, but my husband claims that this doesn't actually happen. Do you know if lead leaches into our food and drinks? -- Courtney A., San Jose, California

Courtney, lead crystal beverage glasses and bowls used in the ordinary way do not pose a health risk. Yes, there is some tiny amount of leaching, but the amount that transfers to food is far less than people consume during their three daily meals. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: Two years ago, I slipped in my shower and injured my knee. Since then, I've had this fear of falling in my shower. I used to have one of those rubber bathmats, but it got very moldy on the bottom. And I never bathe in a tub because I feel as though I'm sitting in dirty water.

Finally, my neighbor said that she had read a hint in your column about using a pair of plastic beach sandals. Now I keep a pair of bright yellow sandals in my shower and wear them whenever I shower. No slipping, no sliding, and no mold. Thanks a million! -- Tessa Y., Stone Mountain, Georgia


Dear Heloise: To frighten porch pirates away, I have a sign on my door that says: "Smile! You're on a hidden camera." So far, no more porch pirates. -- Alice G., in Illinois


Dear Heloise: I hate throwing out perfectly good food. So I told my family that from now on, Friday nights would be "leftover nights" -- a week's worth of leftovers served during one meal. At first, my husband didn't like the idea, but he soon realized there was a nice variety of foods to choose from. The kids loved it. Now it's become our family tradition every Friday. -- P.G., in Kansas

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