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Young writer in Green Valley releases first book after successful lemonade stand | ARLnow.com

By Katie Taranto

Young writer in Green Valley releases first book after successful lemonade stand | ARLnow.com

A fifth grader in Green Valley who ran a lemonade stand this summer to support the creation of her first book is now a self-published author.

Nora Jacoby, 10, celebrated the release of "The Four Princesses" earlier this week. It's a tale of three princesses who use their powers to help a fourth princess who has lost everything.

Nora hopes readers take away a lesson about the power of helping others.

"I think the main goal is to use your gifts for good, because that's what they do in the book," she said.

The release coincided with the debut of a book written by Nora's uncle, New York Times bestselling health writer Marty Makary. When Makary returns home from touring the release of "Blind Spots," the uncle and niece have plans to celebrate each other with a book party.

"Yes, Nora intentionally planned her book release for the same day," her mother, Maria Jacoby, told ARLnow.

Nora came up with the storyline for "The Four Princesses" during Writing Club at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield. She was in third grade when she started the project, and finished the plot in fourth grade this past spring.

ARLnow visited Nora's lemonade stand last month as she fundraised for publishing costs. Kevin Shaffer, CEO and founder of Uncle Kebba's Lemonade in Alexandria, helped make the stand possible by providing supplies and support.

The money Nora raised there helped her hire illustrator Susan Pfister and publish the book.

Nora and Shaffer reconnected at the Arlington County Fair, where she returned Shaffer's kindness by helping him serve customers.

Maria Jacoby said her daughter worked for many hours to complete the final version of "The Four Princesses," which is dedicated to some special mentors and influences.

"I put my special thanks to my brother for inspiring me, and Miss [Andrea] Faulkner, my writing teacher, and Kevin Shaffer," Nora said.

A public reading and book signing event for "The Four Princesses" is in the works.

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