Pop Pulse News

[DOCSIS] After 3-1/2 years of complaining, they finally replaced my tap

[DOCSIS] After 3-1/2 years of complaining, they finally replaced my tap

So back in 2020, the vacant lot down the street from me was developed and a new single-family residence was built. About a year later, ~ spring 2021, the new owners started their service with Comcast/Xfinity. The contractor who ran their drop cable and hooked them up and installed a 'temporary' splitter on the existing 2-port tap since both ports were already being used (my drop and the neighbor across the street) - see pic. My connection is the RG-11, and the existing neighbor is the orange RG-6.

Almost immediately after the new neighbors were hooked up, I starting having issues with my internet service; lost packets, T3 timeouts and large counts of uncorrected codewords. Both me and my wife started working from home when the pandemic hit, a year earlier, so I was hyper focused on having a stable internet connection. We were experiencing problems with Zoom/Teams meetings and I noticed that these issues correlated with periods of high packet loss. Even though the packet losses were extremely intermittent and only seemed to happen when the wind was really blowing, they were very disruptive. So, I reached out Xfinity on their forum site:

IPv4 Packet loss on windy afternoons | Xfinity Community Forum

After posting, someone from Comcast responded, and over the next few months, several different technicians were dispatched to my residence. Each time someone came out, they said 'everything looks fine' and didn't have much to offer except suggesting that I change the wall plate and check my wiring... With regards to my coax wiring, I have a very simple/ideal setup: No TV or set top box, just internet only, no splitters and a continuous homerun of RG-11 from my demarc box to the tap. Eventually, after a 'Scheduled Maintenance' outage, my internet problems seemed to be resolved. I never noticed any trucks in the area but they did something on their end to clear up the packet loss issues. However, I was still seeing frequent T3 timeouts and uncorrectable codewords, but it didn't seem to be causing any problems with video or VOIP calls so I let it go.

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