Pop Pulse News

How To Secure Your Casper Property With A Fence

By Drew Kirby

How To Secure Your Casper Property With A Fence

If you own property inside Casper and are looking to build a fence, how much research have you done?

From CasperWY.gov:

Fences, walls, hedges, shrubs, trees, accessory buildings and accessory uses are permitted in all of Casper's zoning districts with limitations.

It's not as easy as just running to the lumberyard, grabbing materials, and starting to build. There are quite a few regulations you need to be aware of before you begin.

A fence permit is required for any fence that is 6 feet tall and under.

A building permit is required for any fence over 6 feet or wall over 4 feet tall.

Casper has rules about where your fence can go, too. Corner lots have specific rules. A fence can't be placed in certain areas if your house is at the intersection of two streets.

You'll need to check your lot boundaries to ensure you're building on your lot and not on the neighbors.

Fences in the front yard, between the road and house, can't be taller than 4 feet. Any portion of the fence over 36 inches has to be at least 40% open space.

No fence can be over 8 feet.

You can't use barbed wire, razor wire, or sharp metal fences anywhere in the city unless it's security fencing in certain districts.

Electric fences are prohibited in the city limits.

Once you've taken care of all those things and are ready to start planning, one of the first things you need is a budget. Home Advisor says the average range for building a fence is $800 - $7,800.

Figuring out the plan, measuring the area the fence will surround, determining the materials you need, deciding who's building the fence, making sure you have the proper tools, and then you're ready to begin your build.

These videos will help give you an idea of what you're in for when building a fence.

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