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Unlocking the Power of Video Podcasting with RSS: Expand Your Reach Beyond YouTube

By Todd Cochrane

Unlocking the Power of Video Podcasting with RSS: Expand Your Reach Beyond YouTube

In the ever-evolving world of content creation, video-first creators often rely heavily on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo to distribute their work.

Many need to realize that video podcasting via RSS is not only possible but also a powerful and underutilized method of distribution that has been part of podcasting since 2005.

Video podcasting allows creators to reach audiences on platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Apple TV, and other standard podcast apps -- platforms on which many think the app is limited to audio-only content.

This expanded reach can dramatically enhance visibility and audience engagement, especially when traditional social video platforms can feel saturated.

The podcast enclosure element is the basis of open podcasting through RSS. RSS enables creators to deliver high-quality video content to listeners without relying solely on video-specific platforms. Apple Podcasts and many other podcast apps fully support video podcasts via RSS, allowing viewers to download and watch content directly within the app, whether on their phones or televisions.

For video-first creators, this means a new avenue to engage with an audience they need to be aware of instead of more obvious platforms like YouTube. My company, Blubrry Podcasting, has supported Video Podcasting since we started hosting podcasts.

However, not all platforms support open standards like RSS. Spotify, for example, operates with a closed, proprietary system that doesn't support video podcasting through RSS. Instead, it prioritizes the podcaster's video content, overwriting audio within the app.

While this may seem like an excellent option for video creators, it harms those relying on audio distribution. Spotify's algorithm tends to promote video content of select shows over audio, diminishing the reach of traditional podcast episodes. This imbalance can lead creators to lose out on potential audio audiences.

The open RSS-based approach is the best solution for creators who want actual ownership of their content and the flexibility to distribute it across various apps. You maintain control over your media and ensure your content is accessible through any app that supports RSS -- without the risk of algorithmic prioritization or platform gatekeeping.

Benefits of Video Podcasting via RSS

If you're a video-first creator looking to expand your reach, consider the potential of video podcasting via RSS. It's a powerful tool that lets you distribute video content through traditional podcast channels, helping you grow your audience on your terms. By embracing open standards and ensuring your media can be consumed across all platforms, you're setting yourself up for long-term success and creative freedom.

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