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Analysts Expect Breakeven For LifeMD, Inc. (NASDAQ:LFMD) Before Long

Analysts Expect Breakeven For LifeMD, Inc. (NASDAQ:LFMD) Before Long

We feel now is a pretty good time to analyse LifeMD, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:LFMD) business as it appears the company may be on the cusp of a considerable accomplishment. LifeMD, Inc. operates as a direct-to-patient telehealth company that connects consumers to healthcare professionals for medical care in the United States. The company's loss has recently broadened since it announced a US$24m loss in the full financial year, compared to the latest trailing-twelve-month loss of US$26m, moving it further away from breakeven. As path to profitability is the topic on LifeMD's investors mind, we've decided to gauge market sentiment. We've put together a brief outline of industry analyst expectations for the company, its year of breakeven and its implied growth rate.

Check out our latest analysis for LifeMD

According to the 9 industry analysts covering LifeMD, the consensus is that breakeven is near. They anticipate the company to incur a final loss in 2025, before generating positive profits of US$6.8m in 2026. The company is therefore projected to breakeven around 2 years from now. What rate will the company have to grow year-on-year in order to breakeven on this date? Using a line of best fit, we calculated an average annual growth rate of 111%, which is rather optimistic! Should the business grow at a slower rate, it will become profitable at a later date than expected.

Underlying developments driving LifeMD's growth isn't the focus of this broad overview, though, keep in mind that generally a healthcare tech company has lumpy cash flows which are contingent on the product and stage of development the company is in. This means that a high growth rate is not unusual, especially if the company is currently in an investment period.

Before we wrap up, there's one issue worth mentioning. LifeMD currently has negative equity on its balance sheet. This can sometimes arise from accounting methods used to deal with accumulated losses from prior years, which are viewed as liabilities carried forward until it cancels out in the future. These losses tend to occur only on paper, however, in other cases it can be forewarning.

There are too many aspects of LifeMD to cover in one brief article, but the key fundamentals for the company can all be found in one place - LifeMD's company page on Simply Wall St. We've also put together a list of essential aspects you should further research:

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