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When does protection from covid kick in if I get vaccinated tomorrow?

When does protection from covid kick in if I get vaccinated tomorrow?

My last Covid booster was in April 2022. I have never had Covid, but I'm a semi-hermit and don't do any traveling. I'm in NJ, my dad is in hospice in Florida. I'm only going down for a few days to say what are maybe last goodbyes.

My parents likely got their initial round of vaccinations in 2021 but nothing since. My concern is about *me* though, potentially getting Covid by being in airport and in the plane and in the various rideshares or car services I'll have to use to and from the airports. Also, my partner who is not coming with me and is NOT immuno-compromised, but DOES have lots of medical issues and I don't want him to get Covid from me when I get back.

By the way, I would and could mask the entire time, though I doubt anyone in my family will be masking and I'm not sure if anyone on planes or in airports masks anymore (do they?)

I'm not sure about whether the hospice staff will be masking, but keep in mind the Florida angle. I looked up the hospice and they don't have a statement about it. I think my parents maybe don't even believe in masking or Covid or vaccinations anymore.

So the key focus of my question here concerns me and my partner not getting sick. Will getting the vaccine tomorrow (Monday) protect me from covid on the plane starting Wednesday, or is that too soon to expect protection? I know you are not my doctor or epidemiologist, but I know there are some people in the know here. Thanks!

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