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Ask Yadi: Do you have to make yourself presentable for virtual video calls?

Ask Yadi: Do you have to make yourself presentable for virtual video calls?

CLEVELAND, Oh - Do you have to make yourself presentable for virtual video calls?

Reader Question: I attend and conduct a lot of video calls. Sometimes they are doctor appointments, sometimes they are for work. As a manager, I try to get together with my team on a weekly basis. We all work remotely and in different parts of the country.

Not everyone turns on their video, which I guess is OK as long as we don't have a client in on the call. My staff is usually aware of a planned meeting at least a week in advance. Yes, sometimes they can be early in the morning, but not always.

While I understand that people may not make themselves presentable to work from home, more often than not, some of my staff look like they just rolled out of bed. Hair a mess, in pajamas etc.

Not only do they look a mess but there have been times when they are eating their meals, drinking coffee (I hope it's coffee), playing on their phones, etc. I even had one person playing with a sword and a lightsaber. Although I believe he didn't realize his camera was on because he also "forgot" to put his pants on.

I myself make sure that my hair is combed, face washed and look like I'm going into the office at least from the waist up. I may not have my make-up done but I look awake and presentable.

How do I get my staff to appear presentable on these "calls"?

Answer: Have you ever set a "guideline" as to what is expected on these calls? Have you consulted with your HR department to see if they have anything in writing?

Your Human Resources department may be able to give you guidance so that you handle the conversation you need to have with your team accordingly. Together you may be able to come up with a "what's expected on calls". That can go out to everyone so that you aren't singling any individual out.

With so many folks working from home, it is inevitable that you will be having virtual calls. While it is nice to see people's faces, if it's never been stated that it's mandatory then they may feel they can hide behind the screen. Especially if they were running behind and didn't have time to do their hair or get dressed.

Perhaps seeing you on screen, dressed and looking presentable will encourage them to do the same.

I did find your comment humorous about the one person that didn't know the camera was on and was playing with his toys. Hopefully it was just internal people. If not that would warrant a chat.

I'm sure that many people out there can relate and have stories of their own mishaps on calls.

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Do you have a question or an etiquette predicament that you want advice on? Send me an "Ask Yadi" email at [email protected]

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