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SC life expectancy falling, new federal data shows. Here's why and by how much

SC life expectancy falling, new federal data shows. Here's why and by how much

This story and visualization are part of our new "Data In Your Life" series, in which we mine public databases to tell quick stories about the world around us.

Life expectancy in South Carolina declined in 2021, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While the state's life expectancy increased from 2018 to 2019, it declined in 2020 and 2021 thanks in part to deaths associated with COVID-19. The report also cites an increase in unintentional injuries, particularly drug overdose deaths, as another major cause of the lower national life expectancy.

The decline in South Carolina mirrored a national drop in life expectancy, which dipped to 76.4 years in 2021. No states' life expectancies increased during that time period. However from 2018 to 2021, South Carolina's national life expectancy ranking rose one place from 43rd to 42nd.

Life expectancy estimates increased for 2022, which shows that the country might be bouncing back from the pandemic. The national 2022 report, published in March, found the United States' life expectancy increased by 1.1 years from 2021 to 77.5 years. The CDC hasn't yet released 2022 life expectancy data at the state level.

Experts say there could be more good news down the road.

"With further mortality declines in 2023, it is likely that life expectancy will increase again in 2023," said Bob Anderson, the CDC's chief mortality statistician. He cautioned however that an increase isn't certain as the analysis of the data is not complete.

Women have a higher life expectancy than men nationally and in South Carolina. In South Carolina, female life expectancy is 6.3 years greater than males, according to the 2021 data. States with lower life expectancies overall tend to have a greater difference in life expectancy between the genders, according to the report. Nationally, the life expectancy for women was 5.8 years greater in 2021.

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